Seikon No Qwaser

Monday, January 26, 2009

[Release] Papillion Rose New Season OP [Subbed]

Finally something to release....not the actual episodes...but the OP subbed...

Couldn't find any nice raws [DVDRIPS] for episode 4 -6....>_<

Anyway, 720p S-UpConV XviD MP3 will not be the format for the actual episodes...>_<


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kurokami Teminologies: [Doppleliner System [ドッペルライナーシステム]]

Taken from official site and translated by me~

Teminologies Explanations

Doppleliner System [ドッペルライナーシステム]
In this world, there will be 3 human beings sharing identical bodies, 1 being the "Root" while the other two were known as "Subs".

The differences between the 3 humans is the capacity of the energy, "Terra", which is held by all living things on earth. The person among the 3 with the highest capacity of "Terra" is called the "Root, while the rest of the two weaker ones are called the "Subs".

When people with the same body meets each other, the one known as the "Subs" will die due to accident or illness. Also, when "Subs" with the same bodies meets each other, both of them will die. When both the "Subs" dies, the root [Sole survival] will absorb that capacity of "Terra" from the "Subs", thus increasing their capacity of "Terra" rapidly and became the "Master Root. The "Master Root" is full of vitality, and good luck will follow the success in all aspects of their life.
同じ容姿を持つ者同志が出会うと、『サブ』の方が事故や病気などに遭い死んでしまう。また、同じ容姿を持つ『サブ』同士が出会うと2人とも死んでしまう。 『サブ』が2人とも死ぬと、生き残った『ルート』は『サブ』が持っていた『容量(テラ)』を吸収し、さらに『容量(テラ)』を倍加させ『マスタールート』と呼ばれる存在になる。 『マスタールート』になると生命力に溢れ、運が良くなり、あらゆる面で成功を収める人生を歩むことになる。

The "Doppleliner System", consisting these "Roots" and "Subs" is a fate that human beings will not be able to escape from.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Next Project??

I should be working on this soon....If i can find time to get away from camp...LOL

Since I couldn't get the DVDISO for all the 6 episodes, I've decided to use the TVrip version... Go imagine the "Screen Quality" you'll get.....LOL

Papillion Rose (パピヨンローゼ) New season [TV] will be released in 640x368 DivX521 mkv if i actually managed to release it...LOL

Difference between TV and DVDrip == censorship as always...



Friday, January 16, 2009


Noticed most versions of kurokami out there comes with the same subs....>_<....haiz~

This is gotten from the english dubbed version....They subbed the OP/ED it seems....

EDIT: The kanji comes from the dubbed version's romanji... Translations is by me though...

黒神 OP

In those eyes filled with sadness

and the motions you've conveyed out,

exposes your emotions.

The option you looked forward to

and the answer for it is, that's right, "FUSION!".

Pain will always comes before anything else.

Even though the pitch-black darkness is spreading fast,

you're always giving me a warm smile.

In order to protect the light that shines upon us,

I'll now, become one with you.

Grab in your hand, the strength that seems unreachable,

and slice through the wind with it!

If you able to trust and communicate openly with others,

miracles will definitely happen, no matter how many times it will be.

Since the truth will one day be revealed.