Something extra... Why didn't anyone sub this...LOL
Change the tears you have shedded...
拭わぬままに 心の糧に変えて
...into a strength for your heart without wiping it off.
Thoughts of eternity and destiny
胸に抱き 永き時の果て 同じ風にまつろう
embraces your heart, waiting for the end of eternity within the identical wind.
背(せな)に断ち切るは 怯え 立ちすくんでた昨日…
What you have slashed off your back is your cowardness and weakness of the past.
月に捧げた誓い 握り締めた刃に閃かせて
The promise that you have given to the moon will shine on the blade you tightly grabbed hold on.
走り抜けろよ like a blazing wind
Start running like a blazing wind
Slashing through everything.
眺むる闇の向こうに 目指す明日がある
Right after the darkness in front of you lies a future that you have been looking forward to.
連なる修羅路の地平 見果てぬけど
Even though the road of fighting seems endless
ただ一筋の光 今宵(いま)求めて
you just hope for that ray of light to appear tonight.
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