Taken from official site and translated by me~
Doppleliner System [ドッペルライナーシステム]
In this world, there will be 3 human beings sharing identical bodies, 1 being the "Root" while the other two were known as "Subs".
The differences between the 3 humans is the capacity of the energy, "Terra", which is held by all living things on earth. The person among the 3 with the highest capacity of "Terra" is called the "Root, while the rest of the two weaker ones are called the "Subs".
When people with the same body meets each other, the one known as the "Subs" will die due to accident or illness. Also, when "Subs" with the same bodies meets each other, both of them will die. When both the "Subs" dies, the root [Sole survival] will absorb that capacity of "Terra" from the "Subs", thus increasing their capacity of "Terra" rapidly and became the "Master Root. The "Master Root" is full of vitality, and good luck will follow the success in all aspects of their life.
同じ容姿を持つ者同志が出会うと、『サブ』の方が事故や病気などに遭い死んでしまう。また、同じ容姿を持つ『サブ』同士が出会うと2人とも死んでしまう。 『サブ』が2人とも死ぬと、生き残った『ルート』は『サブ』が持っていた『容量(テラ)』を吸収し、さらに『容量(テラ)』を倍加させ『マスタールート』と呼ばれる存在になる。 『マスタールート』になると生命力に溢れ、運が良くなり、あらゆる面で成功を収める人生を歩むことになる。
The "Doppleliner System", consisting these "Roots" and "Subs" is a fate that human beings will not be able to escape from.
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